Application of sweat of the brow or modicum of creativity does help, but will fundamental doctrines of IP witness changes with emerging technologies ?

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My view is this: ChatGPT doesn't create new content. That's a uniquely human ability. It just takes already published work and based on a few algorithms that teach it what sounds coherent it spits out a new variation. It's like taking a puzzle with the same image but changing the structure of the puzzle pieces. Is it a new puzzle? new interpretation? or same puzzle regardless of the pieces?

Interesting topic and lots to debate here!

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Totally! And as with all questions of innovation/creativity, there's the Sorites paradox: all creation is predicated on existing works, but at what point does it become a completely new work?

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Definitely good question. I would say perhaps when there is involvement from someone or something that has consciousness (can create new work or new interpretations of existing work). Although I’m no expert and am sure it’s 10x more complex than that

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