OPEN TAB: the popularity of homoerotic fiction in china
+ remembering hpnotiq & going into credit card debt for TikTok Live gifts
Last weekend, I went to birthday drinks hosted by a former colleague. I kept my tab open—I figured it would be less hassle that way—but forgot to close my tab when I left. The next day, as I schlepped over to Avenue B again in order to pick up my credit card, I thought about how my open tabs at bars and the open tabs on my computer have something in common: they are all places that I must return to.
Here are three open tabs that I’ve found myself consistently returning to, both reading for myself and sharing in conversation with others:
“Hpnotiq, a Love Story: One Man’s Epic Journey to Rediscover Hip-Hop’s Most Notorious Blue Liquor” by Rembert Browne
“She spent her inheritance on TikTok Livestreamers” by Jessica Lucas
“China’s ‘rotten girls’ are escaping into erotic fiction about gay men” by Helen Sullivan
Links to the articles will always be available to everyone—they are interesting articles that are deserving of your eyeballs!—but my own commentary will be available only to paid subscribers. That’s because while these articles speak to something within me, I’m not quite sure what they speak to just yet. I’m still mulling these over—developing my burgeoning ideas in real-time.
I hope they speak to something in you, too, so we can talk about it!